Nicknames: Megz, Michegan
Age: 17
Birthday: 7/27/87
Grade: 12
Years in Guard: 4
Lil Sis: Abbey
Hobbies: Guard, shopping, movies, driving and singing as loud as I want because no one can hear me!
Favorite Quote: "Rifles and Sabres and Flags OH MY!"
Favorite Move: I can't choose just one, so everything
Favorite Part of Game Day: Marching In, Performance, and Dancing in the stands
Favorite Drum Corp(s): Blue Devils, Santa Clara Vanguard, Bluecoats
Favorite show done by FMHS: "The Commute"-Marching 2004 and "Life According to Jethro"-Winter Guard
What I look forward to most is: Just enjoying my last year with my family! Cheezy I know. And of course...Winter Guard!
I joined guard because...I thought it looked really cool, and after doing it for three years, I've realized it is the
BEST thing I have ever done...ever.
AIM Screen Name: YellowCGRose
Most Dedicated 2002-2003
Outstanding Color Guard Member 2003-2004